Sometimes the extent of an employee’s injury requires a more hands-on approach to the return-to-work process. If an employee does not “fit” into a traditional transitional duty assignment, rather than let the employee remain at home over an extended period of time, consider other options.
These nine options can reduce the length of time the employee is out of work:
- Work Hardening: A reconditioning program usually takes place off-site in a job-simulated environment and is adapted to keep pace with the employee’s changing medical restrictions and used when an employee cannot return to the regular workplace assignment. Work hardening is especially useful when re-injury is the worker’s fear.
- Independent Medical Evaluations: Performed by an independent or neutral doctor to determine the employee’s medical status; evaluate testing; and move the claim forward. It is useful when there is a dispute about the employee’s medical status and recovery. The physician must be fully prepared before scheduling this procedure by reviewing all medical records and current tests, and discussing medical issues with the treating physician.
- Functional Capacity Evaluations: A physical or occupational therapist measures the individual’s range of physical abilities in the work environment. A functional capacity evaluation is used when there does not seem to be a legitimate medical reason for symptoms the employee is experiencing, it is believed symptoms are exaggerated, or the employee cannot perform a transitional duty position.
- Vocational Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation is a go-to option – employers should not WAIT until maximum medical improvement is reached BEFORE considering rehabilitation options. Use vocational rehabilitation when soft-tissue injuries do not resolve or the employee cannot return to work after three months of total disability.
Five More Options Available
For more information about this chapter, see the Table of Contents
Previous: Return to Work and Transitional Duty
Next: Directing Medical Care
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